Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tropical Plants and Landscaping: How to Grow a Palm Tree from a Coconut.

This article shows how to take a coconut, and grow it into a tropical palm tree.

Nothing shouts tropics, quit like the coconut palm.
It's inexpensive and easy to do. A very fun project.
A coconut is after all, just a large seed.

Coconut's fall from the tree when they are rip and ready to plant. So choose a ripe one for planting.
In a container and grown indoors a palm will last a little over 5 years. Planted outdoors coconut palms will survive for many many years in a rich well draining soil. 

1.  Prepare soil for potting, Palms like moist, but well draining soil.
We use a soil mixture as follows:
   • 60% Black Soil
   • 20% Beach Sand
   • 10% Peat Moss
   • 10% Perlite

GREEN / TAN HUSK (Best Method)
These are the best for growing coconuts.
They have the outer casing still attached.
They should look like they dropped right from the tree.
You must hear milk inside if you shake it.
It should be free from rot or mold.

  1. Soak the coconut in a bucket of water for 3-4 days.
  2. Get a pot at least 2-3 inches larger than the coconut.
  3. Use the soil mixture listed above.
  4. Plant the coconut pointy side down. 
  5. Plant the coconut 2/3 into the soil.
  6. Leave 1/3 of the coconut above the ground.
  7. Water often enough to keep moist, but not damp.
  8. Keep the temperature at about 72 degrees, 80 is the best, and should never dip below 65.
  9. Your coconut will sprout anywhere from 1-7 months. (faster with warmer soil)

Grow a Coconut Palm Tree: Coconut Palm Sprouting.

[sprout a coconut] [coconut palm] [grow a coconut] 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Video showing how to grow Tropical plants, indoors or outside.

Video: Growing Tropical plants indoors or out.
How to grow tropical plants the right way.